OOPE For Overseas Experience - Global Links programme

The RCPCH has been awarded an HPS Volunteering Grant of £830,000 to facilitate the establishment of a Global Links Consortium for the exchange of child health professionals between the UK and Africa.

Information from the RCPCH

  • 6 - 12 months placements working with partner hospitals in Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana or Sierra Leone.

  • You'll be offered a selection of placements to choose which best fits and interests, and the needs of the partner organisation.

  • We'll facilitate and encourage contact with the partner hospital before in country, and support you to create a sustainable link when you return.

  • There'll be opportunities to live and work in urban and/or rural settings.

  • We'll cover your flights, accommodation, health insurance and provide allowance to cover your day-to-day living costs.

  • Before departing overseas we provide a two week training course a paediatrician about to work in sub-Sahara Africa, security training health checks.

  • We'll offer support and advice on securing OOPE form your deanery required.

  • We are finalising our application form which will be uploaded onto the soon, along with a lot more information about the programme.


If you require any further information please contact:

Mr Peter Nash
Global Links Manager
0207 092 6016
E-Mail: Peter.Nash@rcpch.ac.uk