ST1 - 3 Teaching Day
Category: Training - ST1-3
Date: May 21st 2015
Location: Maternity Seminar Room, Level 5, Derriford Hospital, Plymouth PL6 8DH
Morning Session
09:45 Registrataion
10:00 Gastroenterology- The Problem With Bowels- Dr. Tony Lopez
11:00 Nephrology and continence – Dr. Cath Derry
12:00 Haematology- What you need to know – Dr. Myooren Wimalendra
13:00 Lunch
Afternoon Session
14:00 A murmur is not a diagnosis – Making sense of heart sounds in infants and children - Dr. Alex Allwood
15:15 Respiratory physiology, embryology and lung function monitoring – Dr John Madar
16:00 Close